Recent Event Pictures!
"New Years Gala"
"What a way to start the evening!" Curt Garman and Richard Look, so stylish!
Mr. Rick toasts Curt Garman
Scoop the photographer says "Here's looking at you, Kid"
Mike Young, the leader of the Mood Swing Orchestra
Laurie Gordon, brunette, sandwiched between two bewitching blondes:
Theresa LaQuay and Jessica Boscarello
Clark Gable and Carol Lombard. No! Wait, that's Slimm Buick and Jessica
Roberto Isola and Jula
New Year's Revelers
Terry and Bob Creighton
Joanna Nevesny
Leah Vass in "that dress"
Kevin Walsh and friend
Marti and George Cagwin
Pamela Forman cuts a rug with Lee Patterson
Gayle Delaney and "Terry Tango"
Paul Anders makes a little noise
Forselles "the Lady in Red" |
Judi and Glen Eastman gave Rick this racy hat
Sheryl Birkner meets a new Martini Club Member
Curt and Richard "What a way to end the evening". Still feeling stylish,
they hired a chauffeur from AAA!